Pakistan has welcomed India’s readiness to discuss all outstanding issues, including Jammu and Kashmir.
Commenting on Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s recent statement expressing readiness to discuss with Pakistan all issues, including Jammu and Kashmir, a Foreign Office spokesman said this was a welcome reiteration of the understanding reached at the Sharm-El Sheikh summit between Pakistan and India.
The spokesman said it had been agreed that the dialogue process was the only way forward. ‘We have always said that Pakistan and India should not allow terrorists and militants to define and drive the agenda on issues of peace, security and stability in South Asia,’ he said.
He said the dialogue process offered hope for a meaningful engagement to address all issues. ‘Pakistan will not be found wanting in sincere efforts to promote regional peace and stability and to make the peace process irreversible,’ he said.
Commenting on Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s recent statement expressing readiness to discuss with Pakistan all issues, including Jammu and Kashmir, a Foreign Office spokesman said this was a welcome reiteration of the understanding reached at the Sharm-El Sheikh summit between Pakistan and India.
The spokesman said it had been agreed that the dialogue process was the only way forward. ‘We have always said that Pakistan and India should not allow terrorists and militants to define and drive the agenda on issues of peace, security and stability in South Asia,’ he said.
He said the dialogue process offered hope for a meaningful engagement to address all issues. ‘Pakistan will not be found wanting in sincere efforts to promote regional peace and stability and to make the peace process irreversible,’ he said.